Client: University of Exeter
Location: Exeter
Status: Complete

The office is zoned by activity, offering optimum conditions for each function. The dynamics of teamwork, well-being and sustainability are key to the success of the scheme.

CREWW’s hybrid office incorporates teamworking areas with height-adjustable desking, quiet/video conference rooms, project rooms for dedicated collaborative work with ergonomic furniture as well as a multi-functional boardroom/library/collaboration space. A comfortable break-out space occupies a corner of the office benefiting from prime views over the park and estuary beyond. The breakout is intended to be exclusively enjoyed for social, welfare and wellbeing purposes with any work-related activities being strongly discouraged.

In line with CREWW’s environmental agenda, the estates team set a challenge to adhere to the very best practices in sustainable design. SBA developed a natural, coordinated scheme based on local sourcing and circularity, incorporating recycled furniture, recycled and/or compostable materials and bespoke pieces manufactured by local artisans and a community impact group. The scheme is designed around low maintenance and futureproofing with a flexible layout; demountable acoustic pods, furniture, screens; freestanding decorative lighting and consistent specification of items such as carpets, monitor arms and adjustable desks across the estate. Quality, durable products and detailing have been specified throughout for longevity.