Research Laboratories
Client: Astex Therapeutics Ltd
Location: Cambridge
Status: Complete

Astex Medical Research Laboratories

Astex is a leader in innovative small-molecule therapeutics with particular expertise in fragment-based drug discovery, the most important advance in discovery chemistry in the last 20 years. Saunders Boston have worked on a number of extension and refurbishment projects for Astex over the years, including a new Cryo EM imaging suite, Mass Spec labs and chemistry labs.

Astex occupy Building 436 of Cambridge Science Park and the project reconfigured existing spaces. The contractor scheduled the construction, including out of hours working, to ensure minimum disruption to the normal operation of the building, which remained fully occupied throughout.

The new facilities included a 14 Fume Cupboard Chemistry Laboratory to enable leading-edge analytical chemistry research, a Laboratory housing several Mass Spectrometers for drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic (DMPK) research, and several separate tissue cultures will laboratories.

New rooftop and ground level external services plant was required because converting existing write-up (office style) space to highly serviced Laboratory space meant the existing plant room was insufficient.

Project Scope:

  • Live Environment Project
  • Phased and carefully sequenced
  • 14 Fume Cupboard Chemistry Lab
  • Chemical Store
  • Equipment Room
  • DMPK Suite
  • Tissue Culture Lab
  • Cryo-TEM imaging suite
  • Alterations to Wash-up area